Bed Shelfie Product Renderings


This is a 48-hour product rendering exercise to help offer an updated product rendering suite for an online store. As this product offers several finishes, the goal was to create an appealing lifelike replica of the original product featuring wood, white plastic, and black plastic. The costs of setting up a photoshoot run several thousands of dollars and many individuals help set up the environment and lighting not to mention the price of the photographer.

We offer a one-stop-shop for achieving this goal with minimal costs and maximum options.

Wireframe Rendering

Our original goal is to capture the 3D model based on the specifications of the product and its surroundings. The organic nature of the sheets, carpet, and lighting is essential. Second, comes the product and its use in the real world as accurately as possible.

Preliminary Coloring

Our second phase is to capture the proper textures for all the surfaces paying close attention to the physical materials such as cloths, plastics, ceramic, wood, and other reflective realities of how light interactions between items.

Photoreal Rendering

Lastly, we add lighting to capture the proper mood that sells the product when in use. All materials are then adjusted for how they reflect light. By putting the product into a virtual world, all product options can be perfectly changed for featuring inside online catalogs.

Aqua Femme Commercial

I received a phone call from a good friend who needed a commercial created in a hurry. The team that had created Aqua Femme for the LAX International Airport were going to be featured. I was given 500 gigs of content and 48 hours to come up with a finished product. This was is the final draft.

My Role:

  • Video Editor
  • Composite Director
  • Photoshop Artist

Robert Llewellyn: WomanWizard Project

For years I worked with the incredible Robert Llewellyn of Red Dwarf. He and I struck up a great friendship which led to many projects. Our first project outside of his website was WomanWizard. This was a standup comedy presentation that Robert toured to sold out venues. The premise was that an AI had been developed to test a man’s actions with his virtual wife to safeguard him from making mistakes. I was commissioned to illustrate 165 slides to complete the presentation. While working on the slides, I also was allowed to add additional punchlines to the existing script. We sold several thousand copies on DVD in addition to live ticket sales. This promoted the second project it2i2.

My Roles:

  • Created 165 slides in Photoshop & Lightwave
  • Added additional writing
  • Created DVD cover art
  • Created promo website

Super Hero Squad Marvel Solitaire

During my time as CEO at my company Zero G Games, I routinely contributed to projects in the area of artwork. Marvel was one of our more regular customers and commissioned numerous casual games from us. For Marvel Solitaire, I created a new form of solitaire that allowed the player to use the power of the Marvel characters to save one from a stalemate. Embedded inside the deck were special cards that would allow the player to reveal, flip, scramble, remove and other special adjustments to the game to continue.

My roles:

  • Additional game design over regular solitaire
  • Special effect game artwork
  • Background and menuing art

Marvel Skrull Invasion

During my time as CEO at my company Zero G Games, I routinely contributed to projects in the area of artwork. Marvel was one of our more regular customers and commissioned numerous casual games from us. For Skrull Invasion, I contributed game artwork.

My Roles:

  • Created the Splash artwork using existing art provided by Marvel and custom 3D rendered pieces
  • Create in-game artwork for background, pieces, menus, and charge tower

LL Cool J Boomdizzle Producer Studio

Due to my reputation for special projects, I was contacted in May of 2009 by Cool J’s business manager. Cool J was trying to create an online music studio and after 15 months of a previous development effort was told that it was impossible. I immediately started to architect the front and backend. Once I handed off the architecture to my development team, I began examining all the cutting-edge music interfaces to design a front-end that would address all our needs.

I laid out a new business model offering the consumer two levels of recording options while giving professionals all the tools they needed to record, edit, and mix high-quality tracks. I met Cool J at the Four Seasons, gave my presentation, and a week later signed the deal.

Forty-five days later, at the William Morris agency in Los Angeles, Cool J mixed a song with his producer in Buffalo New York. We continued development for approximately a year. The product was released with the SONY VIOS laptops with driver support from Dolby.

My Role

  • Core architecture
  • UX/UI Design and final interface
  • Identified need for special mic/headphone driver to shorten millisecond delay

Making Of

Robert Llewellyn: it2i2 Film Project

For years I worked with the incredible Robert Llewellyn of Red Dwarf. He and I struck up a great friendship which led to many projects. One such project was our second DVD release it2i2, “It Thinks Therefore It Is.” Robert had written a comedy that was filmed in the UK. Having worked with him on WomanWizard, we worked together to refine the script and develop special effects. I was privileged to contribute to the script and create the special effects and the DVD artwork. The project was a resounding success with all the Red Dwarf fans and was released under production companies Shoulder Chip Productions, TWIN MONOLITH, and distributed by 2 Entertainment.

My Roles:

  • Developed special effects
  • Added additional writing
  • Created DVD menu artwork
  • Created film trailers
  • Created website